From Trades to Space
I saw a piece on NPR about young people choosing to pursue trades, and it made me think. Did you know that some folks working in Space Biology didn't have a straightforward career path to this academic pursuit? I've run into former mechanics, former electricians, former plumbers, and former house painters at scientific conferences revolving around space biology. And you know what? They're adding so much knowledge, expertise, innovation, and creativity to the field!! I hope that the skilled trades continue to be viewed as essential work. But ... It is rare indeed to find someone in the trades who has been able to maintain that career their entire lives. It's also important for the young people who choose trades to be informed that the working conditions are hard, and many people who go into trades when they are young will either be injured on the job or burn out. My friends who experienced this decided to retool, went back to college, and achieved advanced de