You can write a lot
Book Recommendation
I recommend the book How to Write a Lot by Paul Silva, PhD.
It shows some of the psychology / science behind writing. By devoting 20 minutes most every day to a writing project, you can be far more productive (over time) than if you binge write all day.
Here's a picture of the cover of the edition that I have on my shelf.
What Works for Me
Look at what you want to write about first thing in the morning. Pull up a file or a few articles. Glance over them. 2 minutes is enough, get it on your mind and give yourself a second to get into the mindset. Then let it ruminate all day. Even if you rarely think of it again, it is there working in your subconscious. Then when you sit down in the evening after everyone is in bed to write - or 3 days later when things have calmed down and kids are out with another adult - you can take all those thoughts and type them / scribble them down as fast as you can. Come back later to edit, fiddle with wording, and otherwise refine.
Importance of a Writing Group
Find a writing group. If you can't find one, bring together a few people and make one. An interdisciplinary this group of folks can be better. Have a mish mash of people who all come together with doverse writing goals can be fun. You get to watch as everyone makes progress. A group makes a big difference for accountability, keeping ideas straight, and just having another set of eyes on your writing to find those silly typos.
Take Breaks
Embrace the break. Enjoy that time you have to spend doing other activities. Let your brain and hands rest. Trust that you will get back to writing sometime. And when you do, let it all loose.
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