Know Your Heart
Do you have a heart?
Yes you do!
It pumps blood!
Let's get to know your heart today!
Here is an image of the words "know your heart" with a few photo highlights from this lesson.
Where is your heart?
In your chest!
How big do you think it is?
It's as big as a fist. Show me your heart fist! Very good, here's a picture of two children showing me the size of their hearts.
Here let's hold this picture of a heart to your heart.
Here's a picture of a toddler holding a picture of a heart to her chest.
What sound does your heart make?
Pump-thump. Pump-thump. Pump-thump.
Can you find your pulse?
"What's a pulse, Ma?"
It's a spot where you can feel your heart beating.
For kids it is often easiest to find a pulse in the neck.
Here's a photo of a 6 year old finding her pulse.
Can you color them? It's ok if you need to scribble. Whatever is most fun for you.
Here's a photo of a word that has been colored on by a toddler and an older child.
Can you match some of these little words to the picture? Here's a picture of things matched up!
Can you match some of the little words to the big words?
Help me find Valve.
Oh no, which says pump?
I can't find blood. Can you?
What's this last word? Oh, that's right: vessels.
Here is a picture of little words matched with big words. Let's sound them out and read them together!
Which one of these words ends with an S?
Which one of these words starts with a B?
Which one of these words starts with a P?
Which words start with V?
Great looking!
Here's a picture of all of our materials that we used for this little lesson today.
Additional Materials
Did you notice the book on the table? We referenced this book from the Encyclopedia Britannica interactive book series.
To finish off our lesson today, we watched a couple of videos on YouTube. They are made by a company that teaches English, so the language used is easy for the children to understand. The playful yet accurate illustrations in these videos make it fun for the children to watch. They asked me to share them with you!
Here is a link to a video about the heart:
Here is a link to a video about the circulatory system, which puts the heart in the context of the whole system that it supports:
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