Prune and Grow
It's almost Spring! Let's talk about something we do in our garden:
Pruning and Thinning.
Fruit trees are going to give you a higher yield if you remove a few branches that aren't ideal. You will have more growth and healthier leaves if the few branches you leave don't block the light. Agricultural researchers have developed specific patterns for different types of trees which have proven results.
In general, you want to remove branches that are rubbing. This way you won't develop weak points. If bark rubs it will become a place where infection can enter.
Thinning is similar. It's all about removing blossoms or tiny young fruit before the tree has a chance to pump too many resources into their production.
A peach tree will make clusters of tiny fruit that are mostly pits if you leave it without thinning. If you want those big juicy yummy peaches you'll thin them out so you have no more than one every hand length, and then you'll bag them individually so bugs and birds won't spoil the crop.
What have you pruned recently?
Is there something that you would like to thin?
Think about it. Share if you'd like.
We give you permission to let go.
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